We offer a used on-line solid phase extraction system for sale. The system consists of an automatic SPE cartridge changer (ACE 725), a high-pressure dispenser (HPD 730), a SPE cartridge organizer and the necessary Sparklink software to control the system. It can be used to fully automatically process large series of complex samples. This may result in considerable savings of both labour time and process costs.
The attached leaflets show in more detail the various options and advantages of both the Ace and HPD modules. The offered system was manufactured in 2007 and has only been used in practice for 1/2 year. Therefore, the system is still in excellent state which was confirmed during the tests in our own laboratory.
• Disposable SPE cartridges sealed up to 300 bar
• Single use or re-use or SPE cartridge – your choice
• Wide range of SPE chemistries
• Standard two trays of 96 cartridges each
• Dual clamp option for parallel SPE and 2D SPE
• Accurate volume delivery at controlled flow rates
• Independent or back pressure up to 300 bar
• Selects from 4-24 … solvents or samples!
• On-line solvent mixing
• Dual-syringe version for high throughput
Since some customers find the concept of on-line SPE relatively difficult, we offer the opportunity to develop the requested application. This way a client receives a working solution instead of a system.