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1605 – Used Waters Xevo Qtof MS Waters

15,000.00 ex.

This used Waters Xevo QTof MS was manufactured in February 2010. We purchased it from a Dutch government organisation were it always been properly maintained by Waters. Its exact mass measurement capabilities enable compounds to be more easily identified. With the ability to confirm a measured m/z to within 2 ppm (RMS) you can significantly increase your confidence in assigning elemental composition. The offer includes:

  1. A Waters Xevo QTOF MS (2010) system
  2. ZSpray ESI Source
  3. Cables and connector
  4. Software discs

Optionally it can be configured and sold as a completely operational UPLC-XevoQTOF system including Roughing pump, pc with software and UPLC system.

This used Waters Xevo QTof MS was manufactured in February 2010. We purchased it from a Dutch government organisation were it always been properly maintained by Waters. Its exact mass measurement capabilities enable compounds to be more easily identified. With the ability to confirm a measured m/z to within 2 ppm (RMS) you can significantly increase your confidence in assigning elemental composition.

UPLC-MS/MS features:

  • Exact mass: 2 ppm RMS
  • Resolution: Over 10,000 Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM)
  • Sensitivity: enhanced duty cycle (EDC) capability for maximum duty cycle over specified m/z range
  • Range: > Up to 4 orders of linearity
  • UPLC compatible acquisition rates: Up to 20 spectra/sec
  • UPLC/MS(E)

In addition to MS and MS/MS modes of acquisition, Xevo QTof MS utilizes Waters’ unique UPLC/MSE mode of operation, allowing you to collect the maximum amount of data from a single analysis in total confidence. This system is able to overcome undersampling of complex mixtures.

UPLC/MSE features:

  • Use of a generic method, which does not require detailed knowledge of your sample
  • Acquiring molecular and fragmentation data from all of the ions, all of the time in UPLC timeframes, which overcomes limitations of conventional DDA approaches
  • Datasets that are a comprehensive digital record of your sample, so you can re-interrogate your data, rather than re-interrogate your sample
  • High UPLC/MSE reproducibility enables quantitative comparison across large sample sets

For more info about UPLC/MSE see the document: Waters Xevo QTof MSE technology

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    This used Waters Xevo QTof MS was manufactured in February 2010. We purchased it from a Dutch government organisation were it always been properly maintained by Waters. Its exact mass measurement capabilities enable compounds to be more easily identified. With the ability to confirm a measured m/z to within 2 ppm (RMS) you can significantly increase your confidence in assigning elemental composition. The offer includes:

    1. A Waters Xevo QTOF MS (2010) system
    2. ZSpray ESI Source
    3. Cables and connector
    4. Software discs

    Optionally it can be configured and sold as a completely operational UPLC-XevoQTOF system including Roughing pump, pc with software and UPLC system.

    UPLC-MS/MS features:

    • Exact mass: 2 ppm RMS
    • Resolution: Over 10,000 Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM)
    • Sensitivity: enhanced duty cycle (EDC) capability for maximum duty cycle over specified m/z range
    • Range: > Up to 4 orders of linearity
    • UPLC compatible acquisition rates: Up to 20 spectra/sec
    • UPLC/MS(E)

    In addition to MS and MS/MS modes of acquisition, Xevo QTof MS utilizes Waters’ unique UPLC/MSE mode of operation, allowing you to collect the maximum amount of data from a single analysis in total confidence. This system is able to overcome undersampling of complex mixtures.

    UPLC/MSE features:

    • Use of a generic method, which does not require detailed knowledge of your sample
    • Acquiring molecular and fragmentation data from all of the ions, all of the time in UPLC timeframes, which overcomes limitations of conventional DDA approaches
    • Datasets that are a comprehensive digital record of your sample, so you can re-interrogate your data, rather than re-interrogate your sample
    • High UPLC/MSE reproducibility enables quantitative comparison across large sample sets

    For more info about UPLC/MSE see the document: Waters Xevo QTof MSE technology

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    Drop us a line by compiling the form below. We will be more than happy to reply to any of your questions!
