
1606 – Tweedehands Thermo Exactive Accela HPLC – Orbitrap systeem

Oorspronkelijke prijs was: €37,000.00.Huidige prijs is: €18,500.00. ex.

Eind 2021 hebben wij dit tweedehands Thermo Exactive Accela HPLC – Orbitrap systeem aangekocht van een Nederlandse overheidsinstelling waar het tot de dag van aankoop in gebruik was. Het was de bedoeling om het te gebruiken voor een intern onderzoeksproject van ons moederbedrijf KAIN Innovations. Helaas is dit onderzoeksproject nooit uitgevoerd en is het systeem sinds aankoop niet meer gebruikt. Daarom wordt het nu te koop aangeboden. Houd er rekening mee dat het sinds de aankoop niet meer getest en onderhouden is. Het afgeprijsde bedrag geld dan ook voor aankoop in de “as it is” status. Natuurlijk is het ook mogelijk om het systeem op voorhand opnieuw te laten testen en onderhouden totdat het met zekerheid voldoet aan de vereiste specificaties en dan uit te leveren. Dan geld echter wel de volledige prijs van €37000.

Beschrijving en specificaties (Engels):

The Exactive is a high-resolution benchtop liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) system designed for simple and complex screening in a range of applications, including petrochemical, drug discovery, clinical/toxicology, environmental and pharmaceutical. The Exactive provides precise and reliable detection and identification of compounds in complex mixtures, setting a new standard for LC/MS performance at resolutions of up to 100,000. It is also fast and cost-effective to operate, while maintaining full compatibility with U-HPLC and fast chromatography.

The Exactive was the first benchtop mass spectrometer based on revolutionary Orbitrap technology, the recognized standard for accurate mass and high-resolution measurement. The high resolving power, mass accuracy and dynamic range of Orbitrap technology allows rigorous characterization of complex mixtures. The Exactive is the first mass spectrometry system to make advanced Orbitrap technology accessible to both non-expert users and experienced mass spectrometrists. The elimination of the ion trap mass analyzer (used in LTQ systems) resulted in a bench-top instrument that can perform full-scan detection and HCD (higher energy collisional dissociation) without precursor selection. This led to the development of protocols for Orbitrap-only detection, and enabled high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) screening of known and unknown analytes with very high selectivity (<5 ppm). It also facilitated retrospective analysis of full scan data.

Designed for high-throughput and high-performance screening and compound identification applications, Exactive benchtop LC-MS system leverages the company’s proven Orbitrap mass analyzer technology, the recognized standard for accurate mass and high-resolution measurement, to provide precise and reliable information. It is fast, easy to use and, coupled with workflow-driven software, makes an ideal instrument for new users in routine analytical laboratories. This easy-to-use LC-MS system delivers accurate mass for every scan without the need for data averaging. Operating at a 10 Hz scanning frequency Exactive is fully compatible with U-HPLC and ensures exact mass measurement for fast chromatography applications.


  • Instrument Thermo Exactive orbitrap equipped with an ESI probe out of 2010.
  • Maximum scan speed of 10 Hz
  • Full scan MS analysis
  • All Ion Fragmentation’ with multiple dissociation techniques:
    -Source CID (Collisional Induced Dissociation)
    -HCD (Higher Energy Collisional Dissociation
  • Mass Range m/z 50 – 4000
  • Resolution 100,000 at m/z 200 at a scan rate of 1 Hz, minimum resolution 10,000 at m/z 200 at a scan rate of 10 Hz
  • Mass Accuracy < 5 ppm with external calibration, < 2 ppm using internal calibration
  • Polarity Switching One full cycle in < 1 sec (one full scan positive mode and one full scan negative mode at resolution setting of 10,000)
  • Sensitivity A flow injection of 500 fg of Buspirone giving a S/N of better than 10:1 for the selected mass chromatogram of the + ion (m/z = 386.2551)
  • Dynamic Range > 4,000 within a single scan with guaranteed mass accuracy
  • MS Scan Power Full scan and ’All Ion Fragmentation’ by HCD
  • Scan Rate 1 – 10 Hz
  • Analog Inputs One (1) analog input (0 – 1 V), One (1) analog (0 – 10 V)


  • A Thermo Accela pump out of 2009
  • A Thermo Accela autosampler out of 2007
  • A CD with Xcalibur LC devices 2.2.0 software, Windows 7 is needed
  • A CD with Exactive 1.1 SP5 software
  • Manuals
  • A suitable vacuum pump.

For more about this used Thermo Exactive Accela HPLC – Orbitrap system see the Thermo Exactive Orbitrap manual and the manuals for the Accella autosampler and pump.

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    Eind 2021 hebben wij dit tweedehands Thermo Exactive Accela HPLC – Orbitrap systeem aangekocht van een Nederlandse overheidsinstelling waar het tot de dag van aankoop in gebruik was. Het was de bedoeling om het te gebruiken voor een intern onderzoeksproject van ons moederbedrijf KAIN Innovations. Helaas is dit onderzoeksproject nooit uitgevoerd en is het systeem sinds aankoop niet meer gebruikt. Daarom wordt het nu te koop aangeboden. Houd er rekening mee dat het sinds de aankoop niet meer getest en onderhouden is. Het afgeprijsde bedrag geld dan ook voor aankoop in de “as it is” status. Natuurlijk is het mogelijk om het systeem op voorhand opnieuw te testen en onderhouden totdat het met zekerheid voldoet aan de vereiste specificaties en dan uit te leveren. Dan geld echter wel de volledige prijs van €37000.

    Beschrijving en specificaties (Engels):

    The Exactive is a high-resolution benchtop liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) system designed for simple and complex screening in a range of applications, including petrochemical, drug discovery, clinical/toxicology, environmental and pharmaceutical. The Exactive provides precise and reliable detection and identification of compounds in complex mixtures, setting a new standard for LC/MS performance at resolutions of up to 100,000. It is also fast and cost-effective to operate, while maintaining full compatibility with U-HPLC and fast chromatography.

    The Exactive was the first benchtop mass spectrometer based on revolutionary Orbitrap technology, the recognized standard for accurate mass and high-resolution measurement. The high resolving power, mass accuracy and dynamic range of Orbitrap technology allows rigorous characterization of complex mixtures. The Exactive is the first mass spectrometry system to make advanced Orbitrap technology accessible to both non-expert users and experienced mass spectrometrists. The elimination of the ion trap mass analyzer (used in LTQ systems) resulted in a bench-top instrument that can perform full-scan detection and HCD (higher energy collisional dissociation) without precursor selection. This led to the development of protocols for Orbitrap-only detection, and enabled high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) screening of known and unknown analytes with very high selectivity (<5 ppm). It also facilitated retrospective analysis of full scan data.

    Designed for high-throughput and high-performance screening and compound identification applications, Exactive benchtop LC-MS system leverages the company’s proven Orbitrap mass analyzer technology, the recognized standard for accurate mass and high-resolution measurement, to provide precise and reliable information. It is fast, easy to use and, coupled with workflow-driven software, makes an ideal instrument for new users in routine analytical laboratories. This easy-to-use LC-MS system delivers accurate mass for every scan without the need for data averaging. Operating at a 10 Hz scanning frequency Exactive is fully compatible with U-HPLC and ensures exact mass measurement for fast chromatography applications.


    • Instrument Thermo Exactive orbitrap equipped with an ESI probe out of 2010.
    • Maximum scan speed of 10 Hz
    • Full scan MS analysis
    • All Ion Fragmentation’ with multiple dissociation techniques:
      -Source CID (Collisional Induced Dissociation)
      -HCD (Higher Energy Collisional Dissociation
    • Mass Range m/z 50 – 4000
    • Resolution 100,000 at m/z 200 at a scan rate of 1 Hz, minimum resolution 10,000 at m/z 200 at a scan rate of 10 Hz
    • Mass Accuracy < 5 ppm with external calibration, < 2 ppm using internal calibration
    • Polarity Switching One full cycle in < 1 sec (one full scan positive mode and one full scan negative mode at resolution setting of 10,000)
    • Sensitivity A flow injection of 500 fg of Buspirone giving a S/N of better than 10:1 for the selected mass chromatogram of the + ion (m/z = 386.2551)
    • Dynamic Range > 4,000 within a single scan with guaranteed mass accuracy
    • MS Scan Power Full scan and ’All Ion Fragmentation’ by HCD
    • Scan Rate 1 – 10 Hz
    • Analog Inputs One (1) analog input (0 – 1 V), One (1) analog (0 – 10 V)


    • A Thermo Accela pump out of 2009
    • A Thermo Accela autosampler out of 2007
    • A CD with Xcalibur LC devices 2.2.0 software, Windows 7 is needed
    • A CD with Exactive 1.1 SP5 software
    • Manuals
    • A suitable vacuum pump.

    For more about this used Thermo Exactive Accela HPLC – Orbitrap system see the Thermo Exactive Orbitrap manual and the manuals for the Accella autosampler and pump.

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