This used Thermo Q Exactive GC Orbitrap GC-MS/MS system originates from a research institute in the Netherlands. It was fully operational and in a good state when we bought it in January 2025. It consists of a Thermo Exactive GC, a Triplus RSH smart autosampler and a Trace 1310 GC gaschromatograph. More info will follow.
The Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ GC system is the first-ever combination of high resolution gas chromatography with high-resolution/accurate-mass (HR/AM) Orbitrap detection for the most comprehensive sample characterization. This easy-to-use system introduced in 2016 provides the most comprehensive characterization of samples in a single analysis for the highest confidence in compound discovery, identification, and quantitation.
See the GC-MS-Q-Exactive-Orbitrap-Folder for specs and more detailed info for this instrument and technology. You might also want to check some user reviews. Clearly an instrument with which one is able to explore and discover new research areas.
RSH smart autosampler and Trace 1310 GC gaschromatograph – 4000-7000.
Trace 1310 GC price €4000
Thermo Q Exactive GC