Offered for sale a used Agilent 6890 GC system with FID detector. The system consists of the following elements:
- An Agilent HP 6890 GC system – Serialnumber DE00002659
- An Agilent GX1512XA controller, LR4735G – Serialnumber DE64503062
- An Agilent Autosampler tray 18596CX – Serialnumber DE64502771
- An Agilent GC injector 6890 – Serialnumber DE64501814
- A solvent vapour exit injector
- A FID detector.
- System will be delivered with Chemstation software and a PC with windows XP.
We have received the system only recently. It will be serviced in maintained in our laboratory before offering it officially for sale. Nevertheless if you are interested in this gas chromatographic system please let us know.